Estimating cell cycle phases#

In this vignette we will demonstrate how to identify cell cycle phases using single-cell RNA-Seq data

%load_ext autotime

import scarf
time: 1.67 s (started: 2023-05-24 14:28:11 +00:00)

1) Fetch pre-analyzed data#

Here we use the data from Bastidas-Ponce et al., 2019 Development for E15.5 stage of differentiation of endocrine cells from a pool of endocrine progenitors-precursors.

We have stored this data on Scarf’s online repository for quick access. We processed the data to identify the highly variable genes (top 2000) and create a neighbourhood graph of cells. A UMAP embedding was calculated for the cells.

time: 16.8 s (started: 2023-05-24 14:28:13 +00:00)
ds = scarf.DataStore(
time: 51.4 ms (started: 2023-05-24 14:28:30 +00:00)
time: 2.07 s (started: 2023-05-24 14:28:30 +00:00)

2) Run cell cycle scoring#

The cell cycle scoring function in Scarf is highly inspired by the equivalent function in Scanpy. The cell cycle phase of each individual cell is identified following steps below:

  • A list of S and G2M phase is provided to the function (Scarf already has a generic list of genes that works both for human and mouse data)

  • Average expression of all the genes (separately for S and G2M lists) in across cell_key cells is calculated

  • The log average expression is divided in n_bins bins

  • A control set of genes is identified by sampling genes from same expression bins where phase’s genes are present.

  • The average expression of phase genes (Ep) and control genes (Ec) is calculated per cell.

  • A phase score is calculated as: Ep-Ec Cell cycle phase is assigned to each cell based on following rule set:

  • G1 phase: S score < -1 > G2M sore

  • S phase: S score > G2M score

  • G2M phase: G2M score > S score

WARNING: 1 values were not found in the table column names
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[5], line 1
----> 1 ds.run_cell_cycle_scoring()

File ~/checkouts/, in DataStore.run_cell_cycle_scoring(self, from_assay, cell_key, s_genes, g2m_genes, n_bins, rand_seed, s_score_label, g2m_score_label, phase_label)
    722     g2m_genes = list(g2m_phase_genes)
    723 control_size = min(len(s_genes), len(g2m_genes))
--> 725 s_score = assay.score_features(
    726     s_genes, cell_key, control_size, n_bins, rand_seed
    727 )
    728 s_score_label = self._col_renamer(from_assay, cell_key, s_score_label)
    729 self.cells.insert(s_score_label, s_score, key=cell_key, overwrite=True)

File ~/checkouts/, in Assay.score_features(self, feature_names, cell_key, ctrl_size, n_bins, rand_seed)
    699 identifier = self._load_stats_loc(cell_key)
    700 obs_avg = pd.Series(self.feats.fetch_all(f"{identifier}_avg"))
--> 701 control_idx = binned_sampling(
    702     obs_avg, list(feature_idx), ctrl_size, n_bins, rand_seed
    703 )
    704 cell_idx, _ = self._get_cell_feat_idx(cell_key, "I")
    705 return _calc_mean(feature_idx) - _calc_mean(control_idx)

File ~/checkouts/, in binned_sampling(values, feature_list, ctrl_size, n_bins, rand_seed)
     77 obs_cut: pd.Series = values.fillna(0).rank(method="min").divide(n_items).astype(int)
     79 control_genes = set()
---> 80 for cut in np.unique(obs_cut[feature_list]):
     81     # Replaced np.random.shuffle with pandas' sample method
     82     r_genes = (
     83         obs_cut[obs_cut == cut].sample(n=ctrl_size, random_state=rand_seed).index
     84     )
     85     control_genes.update(set(r_genes))

File ~/checkouts/, in Series.__getitem__(self, key)
    992 def __getitem__(self, key):
--> 993     check_dict_or_set_indexers(key)
    994     key = com.apply_if_callable(key, self)
    996     if key is Ellipsis:

File ~/checkouts/, in check_dict_or_set_indexers(key)
   2603 """
   2604 Check if the indexer is or contains a dict or set, which is no longer allowed.
   2605 """
   2606 if (
   2607     isinstance(key, set)
   2608     or isinstance(key, tuple)
   2609     and any(isinstance(x, set) for x in key)
   2610 ):
-> 2611     raise TypeError(
   2612         "Passing a set as an indexer is not supported. Use a list instead."
   2613     )
   2615 if (
   2616     isinstance(key, dict)
   2617     or isinstance(key, tuple)
   2618     and any(isinstance(x, dict) for x in key)
   2619 ):
   2620     raise TypeError(
   2621         "Passing a dict as an indexer is not supported. Use a list instead."
   2622     )

TypeError: Passing a set as an indexer is not supported. Use a list instead.
time: 2.13 s (started: 2023-05-24 14:28:32 +00:00)

3) Visualize cell cycle phases#

By default the cell cycle phase information in stored under cell attribute table under column/key RNA_cell_cycle_phase. We can color the UMAP plot based on these values.

time: 487 ms (started: 2023-05-24 14:28:34 +00:00)

We can clearly see that cycling group of cells in the ‘ductal’ group. You can provide your own custom color mappings like below:

color_key = {
    'G1': 'grey',
    'S': 'orange',
    'G2M': 'crimson',

time: 489 ms (started: 2023-05-24 14:28:35 +00:00)

4) Visualize phase specific scores#

The individual and S and G2M scores for each cell are stored under columns RNA_S_score and RNA_G2M_score. We can visualize the distribution of these scores on the UMAP plots

    color_by=['RNA_S_score', 'RNA_G2M_score'],
    width=4.5, height=4.5,
time: 2.14 s (started: 2023-05-24 14:28:35 +00:00)

5) Compare with scores calculated using Scanpy#

The dataset we downloaded, already had cell cycle scores calculated using Scanpy. For example, the S phase scores are stored under the column S_score. We can plot these scores on the UMAP.

time: 990 ms (started: 2023-05-24 14:28:37 +00:00)

Unsurprisingly, these scores look very similar to those obtained through Scarf. Let’s quantify the concordance below

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import linregress

fig, axis  = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6,3))
for n,i in enumerate(['S_score', 'G2M_score']):
    x = ds.cells.fetch(f"RNA_{i}")
    y = ds.cells.fetch(i)
    res = linregress(x, y)
    ax = axis[n]
    ax.scatter(x, y, color=color_key[i.split('_')[0]])
    ax.plot(x, res.intercept + res.slope*x, label='fitted line', c='k')
    ax.set_xlabel(f"{i} (Scarf)")
    ax.set_ylabel(f"{i} (Scanpy)")
    ax.set_title(f"Corr. coef.: {round(res.rvalue, 2)} (pvalue: {res.pvalue})")

time: 912 ms (started: 2023-05-24 14:28:38 +00:00)

High correlation coefficients indicate a large degree of concordance between the scores obtained using Scanpy and Scarf

That is all for this vignette.